Africa and Climate Change
The heat is on

Africa may well have to bear the brunt of the effects of climate change. How are African stakeholders analyzing the threat and assessing their options?
Africa as a continent is already experiencing serious effects of climate change. Patterns of precipitation are changing, weather extremes – such as droughts and inundations – are becoming more frequent. Adapting to climate change may well turn into one of the major development challenges for African countries and economies. African stakeholders are mobilizing in the leadup to the Durban Conference of the Parties on Climate Change at the global and regional levels. Providing comprehensive access to energy in ways commensurate with development aspirations and compatible with stabilizing the global climate are increasingly seen as the necessary companion to international endeavours of preventing dangerous global warming. The volume presents important African voices, from government, international organisations and academia, on one of the “hottest” global issues as it affects a continent.
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